Hi, I’m Elif….
I am a reiki master teacher, an astrologer, an intuitive healer, a Craniosacral therapy student and a mother.
Although I have always naturally been drawn to the spiritual side of life, for the past few years I have obsessively taken an interest in holistic health, healing, emotional well-being and human nature in general.
My own healing journey began back in 2017 when I started to slowly get back in touch with my true self through various practices such as yoga and meditation. This led to me having a bit of an awakening and realising I was actually quite unhappy in my own life and that change needed to happen.
I had worked in the corporate world for many years but a feeling in my gut kept telling me it was no longer for me, I felt like a caged bird who needed to escape the rat race lifestyle. I decided to listen to my intuition and I quit my job with no real plan in place but an immense amount of trust in the universe and my path.
The same week I left my corporate job I had my first ever energy healing session which I found extremely powerful. It helped me reconnect to the magic of this universe and direct me to where I was meant to be.
Also, during the session the healer told me I would one day do healing work, which at the time I laughed off….
I then went on my own intense healing journey, a time of re-birth, working through and processing old traumas and wounds. Using tools such as regular energy healing sessions, plant medicine, astrology, tarot etc allowed me to let go of what was no longer serving me and begin to move forward on my path. If it was not for the support and guidance I had around me at the time, particularly my energy healing sessions, I would not have been able to do it.
When I began to re-centre myself again I dove in to studying all things holistic health. I soon realised that health is not only about genetics, nutrition or lifestyle, of course these things are a factor but It goes so much deeper than that. It is also about our energy field, our emotions, our mind, our past traumas, our astrology, our connection to nature, our connection to each other. This made me want to pursue all aspects of health, healing and well-being. I studied EVERYTHING, energy healing, astrology, massage therapy, coaching, EFT, psychology, metaphysical health, alternative medicine, nutrition, yoga, you name it, I have probably studied it.
During my training I also realised that I was able to tap in to extra sensory abilities, e.g when I am working with a client I am able to feel in my body what is going on in theirs and receive information about them.
Combining such extensive knowledge with a high level of intuition is a beautiful thing. It creates the perfect environment for profound healing to take place.
I am so grateful to be where I am today, running a small business and working 1-to-1 with clients doing what I absolutely love as well as continuously developing and growing within the field.

I am a firm believer that the best and most valuable lessons we learn in life are the ones we experience ourselves. As well as years of self study, along the way I have also gained certification in:
Spiritual Life Coach - Holistic Healing College
Counselling and Psychotherapy
Life Coaching
Yin Yoga 100 Hours Teacher Training - Shanti Atma Yoga
Anatomy & Fascia
Chinese Medicine
Yin Yoga
BTEC L5 Soft Tissue Therapy/Sports Massage - LSSM
Astrology - London School of Astrology
Anusha Energy Healing Level 1, 2 & 3 (Master Practitioner) - Darryl Kempster
Ayurvedic Yoga Massage Level 1&2 - AYM UK
Reiki Level 1&2 - Fiona Gulec
Reiki Master Teacher - Fiona Gulec
Soul Plan Reading - Holistic Healing College
EFT and Meridian Psychotherapy - Centre of Excellence
CBT Practitioner - Kain Ramsey
Gestalt Therapy Diploma - Centre of Excellence
Plant Based Nutrition - T.Colin Campbell Centre for Nutrition Studies
BBC London Radio Interview 11/06/19

Let's Flourish Magazine 25/06/20