I know, it's quite a personal question to start off with, I should probably introduce myself first before I ask you to analyse your entire existence.
My name is Elif, and I am a life coach, I specialise in helping people rediscover the truth of who they really are and I help them create a beautiful and fulfilling life around it. Do you know how many hidden talents you have? That you have always had, but have suppressed so far down that they are now a total blind spot.
Do you realise how many needs you have that are more than likely not getting met on a daily basis?
Man, I wish you knew, but hey, thats why I am here!
So how do we end up here? How do we end up living unfulfilling, dull, monotonous lives that force us to indulge in many coping mechanisms just so we can get through the day?
There are many reasons, but to sum it up, fear.
Yes, our ole pal fear, that dark shadowy aspect of us that tends to lurk in our subconscious, the one who pulls the strings on our life decisions from behind the curtain. Ah fear, many will not even admit to your existence, yet you have the upmost control over most peoples lives.
Are you starting to question your own life yet? Ok good, stay with me. I promise I won't leave you hanging.
So lets's say, for arguments sake, that most people have a hell of a lot of conscious and subconscious fears. How does that play out in our lives? How does this affect you directly?
Well to be honest, most people build their lives around what they fear, they are constantly making decisions based on what they want to avoid rather than what they want to create. It is a habit that most of us have, from childhood, and a habit that most people are not usually aware of let alone able to overcome without some sort of awakening.
I will give you some examples so you know what I mean, let's say you are the sort of person who really fears running out of money, perhaps your family had financial struggles when you were growing up and you decided that you never want to go through that. You are more than likely going to build a life based on 'not running out of money', so this could look like the sort of person who takes a job they hate but pays well, who never really goes on holiday or buys themselves the things that they want, who is constantly watching the pennies and not doing much else.
Yeah sure, you have money and you are doing all you can to make sure it doesn't run out, but what quality of life do you have?
Now imagine, we flipped the table, imagine you were focusing on the things you love, the things that bring you joy and light your heart up, the things you are naturally so passionate about.
How would your life look then? Let's say you are someone who get's a lot of joy out of practising yoga, you love it so much that you do it every single day, it makes you feel really great, why would you not do it? You may spend your time reading books about yogic philosophy, you may use your money to go on exotic yoga retreats and then you may even take up yoga teacher training yourself and become a yoga instructor, you then decide to start your own business and open your own yoga studio as well as organising your own yoga retreats.
Imagine the joy? Imagine the fulfilment? You still have money, but it is the byproduct of living in alignment, of following your joy.
Notice the difference? Can you feel the difference? Can you see the difference? Can you relate to any of this in any aspect of your life?
So why, why do we choose fear? It is literally a subconscious habit, we never question it because we are so strong in our own beliefs. We never question if we should worry about certain things, because in your reality you have already decided that it is an absolute truth that if you do or do not do certain things then that thing you are trying to avoid will happen, so why would you?
Well, question it, here I am, asking you to question your own beliefs, because I KNOW that once you start to ask yourself important questions, you will without doubt receive the important answers.
Once you do, the next question is what to do with that fear?
I am going to be honest and tell you that most people get it totally wrong when it comes to dealing with their fears.
Luckily for you, as an example of my work and a gift from me to you, I have created a workbook, which includes 10 simple steps to help you transcend your fear.
Get your free copy here.
You're welcome...
Elif x